Sunday, June 19, 2011

Work Scardy-Cats

Have you ever sat in a meeting where a manager or boss was asking for feedback from his/her staff and everyone just sat there silently....and you knew they had LOTS to say. That has happened to me quite a bit lately. At times I've said "hello people, you know you have stuff to say so say it" I typically end up being the one to break the ice though. When I was younger I would have sat in silence as well but not anymore. How can improvements be made if no one is willing to bring up the tough subjects? Have you experienced that? What was your reaction, did you sit quietly and pretend all was well or did you pipe up ;-)

I have managed lots of people over the past 20 years, I've managed large departments and small ones. i've started my own business a number of times. For leaders, managers, bosses,etc The key is to really mean it when you say "I have an open door policy". Let your staff know that you ARE interested in what they have to say and that it's ok for them to question a decision that they are not understanding.

Trust me, speaking up is far better than just sitting around being depressed at the water-cooler and complaining. that won't get you anywhere but miserable. I always say, if you don't LOVE, that's right LOVE your job, then you should find a new one!  I LOVE my job. Are there days I want to scream and say "hello, does anyone with common sense work here?"  sure there are those days, but I have a feeling regardless of where I work I would have those same feelings.

Do any of you have any suggestions or stories to tell? If so comment on this post.

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