Thursday, June 23, 2011

Family Sticks Together

Sometimes we forget the important things in life are not things. As I sit here thinking about all the DUMB things I've done in life I ask "who was ALWAYS there for me"??? Answer:  My Family! I think I could ramble on and on and on about family relationships, their importance, how to repair them, and trials of a fammily. You probably wouldn't want to read that much, there's alot running through my head right now. The number one thing is love your family, they're the only ones that will always be there for you. Sure, we all have ups and downs, that's normal. We have fall-outs, disagreements, hurt feelings, and the goes on. BUT... we also have a TON of good times, no make that GREAT times. I recently started journaling again. I used to do it for just the tough times when I wanted to vent, then I realized I really enjoyed writing about the joys I experienced too. I figure when I die and my kids and grandkids will go through my things and find my journals. Hopefully they'll enjoy reading some of the details of my thoughts that at times I was too embarrassed to tell them.

If you are having a hard time with some family members Get over it! Swallow your pride, even if you are not the one at fault, swallow your pride, repair the relationships and see what great things lie ahead waiting for you. Take the time and make the effort to reach out. If you're scared, that's ok, break the ice. Send and email or a card if that's easier than calling them. Sometimes it's easier for people to first reach out via email or snail mail to get a 'vibe' on how their correspondence will be received. Take a step, even if it's a baby step.

I know my family probably wanted to hit me up side the head with a 2x4 MANY times. (I am not condoning hitting people with 2x4's or anything for that matter, it's a figure of speach). Luckily for me I can't remember all of the crappy things I've done to my family but I do know I've caused my share of pain but I love them all dearly and they love me too. We help each other in tough times, that's what family does.

If any of you have any thoughts on family relationships, have questions about how to heal a relationship, or just want to chat some please send me an email to and/or post a comment here.

to all my family members I LOVE YOU

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